Eli 2003 Ltd.

The company is the first distributor of Orpheus pellets pellets Sofia, offering pellets year-round since 2014!
Address: Street. 345 Ring Road, 1186 Sofia
Phone: 088 845 3108
Website: eli2003.com

MAX Construction Exchange

The company has been a distributor of Orpheus pellets pellets Sofia since 2017, serving all customers in northwestern Sofia for its good location!
Address: 1618 Ovcha Kupel Square, Sofia
Phone: 02 855 8504
Website: sbmaks.com


Фирмата е дистрибутор на Orpheus pellets пелети Хасково от 2013 година. Обслужва всички клиенти в област Хасково и доставя на място със собствен транспорт!
Адрес: бул. „Освобождение“ 232, 6300 Южна промишлена зона, Хасково
Телефон: 0888 706 601
Сайт: memikocholakov.bg

Neven Ltd.

The company has been a distributor of Orpheus pellets pellets Svilengrad since 2013. Serves all clients in Svilengrad and delivers on-site transport!
Address: Neven Shop Svilengrad
Phone: 0889 972 792
Website: neven-ltd.com

Quore Term Ltd.

The company is a distributor of Orpheus pellets pellets Plovdiv since 2016. It caters to all clients in Plovdiv and delivers on-site transportation with its own transport!
Address: Blvd. Liberation 93, 4023 Thrace, Plovdiv
Phone: 087 897 7185
Website: kuoreterm.com


GAJA is the official distributor of Orpheus pellets pellets in Italy. The pellets are marketed under the trade name Viking. Serves all customers in Italy!
Phone: +39 393 017 3360
Email: valentina@orpheuspellets.bg